Accrediting Secretariat

Epyca-Chile Professional Organization in search of a major efficiency for its clients and thanks to the constant technology evolution and to the knowledge of persons in charge of the accreditation processes, relies on a record and a surprisingly agile accreditation system which operates through a software designed and tried in a large list of Congresses and Events, both National and International.


Pre Accreditations:
The system operates prior to the Event and allows participants to register in advance through the Event web page or sending by e-mail the corresponding Accreditation Form. All his information is processed at once and sent to the data base that will be in use from the beginning until the end of the event.

Accrediting Secretariat
Thanks to our extensive trajectory and experience, besides the participants' accreditation in situ, Epyca Chile Professional Organization offers a versatile Accrediting Secretariat that contribute with all the information and necessary resources for the development and solution of unforeseen problems with assistance to both the participants and the organizer.

We provide integral solution with professional staff for each of the areas of accreditations and lounges.

    Epyca Professional Organization